The Inequity of Heat
The agony of extreme heat is unequal around the world.
Posted 03:12 September 01, 2020
Last Updated 05:22 December 06, 2020

This past July in Baghdad it was a record 125°F.
Australia had a record heat wave and record forest fires.
Global temperatures have been rising and they show no signs of receding. New heat records are set each year, each month, almost each day. New heat waves are more frequent and last longer.
However, the global heat distribution is not equal. If you're poor and impoverished, you're much more likely to suffer from rising global temperatures. To make matters worse, you're probably unlikely able to afford an air conditioner. If you can afford one, you're electric grid may be unstable or the cost of electricity is just too high.
You probably work outdoors in the sweltering heat. And each year it continues to get hotter.
The heat also brings drought. Crops die and already poor farmers cannot continue to farm.
How can you pack up and leave? You can't. You must endure.
This is the plight of billions of poor around the world that have been unequally affected by climate change. Extreme heat is not a risk of the future. It is happening now. It is endangering our food supply, water supply, energy supply, and our level of health.
You're just one person on a planet of 7.5 billion. We can each make small efforts to help reduce global warming and climate change. There's a lot of talk about automobiles, factories, and transportation. But where most Americans can have the biggest impact is inside their own homes. Make your home energy efficient. Winterize your home. Upgrade old HVAC or air conditioners. Upgrade to energy efficient hot water heaters. Invest in solar power.
All Trades is here to help make your home more energy efficient. Contact us today and find out how we can make your home more energy efficient. We service Las Vegas, Boulder City, Henderson, and most parts of Clark County, Nevada.